Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To trust or not to trust: That is the question.

It is very important to look for a variety of online sources when researching a specific topic. The question is, can these online sources be trusted?

WIKIPEDIA: People argue that sites such as Wikipedia cannot be trusted. As we discussed in class Wikipedia has a very strict editing process that happens when someone changes an article. One student said that they changed an article once and within five minutes Wikipedia had sent an email to him threatening the student to never change an article again. Wikipedia should be used with discretion.
BLOGS: Blogs should be trusted with caution. An example of a trusted blog was shown to us in class about a famous writer. If you know of the blogger's work and know it can be trusted, then the blog is fine to use. Sometimes blogs from reliable sources can add extra and insightful information to an essay or article.
DATABASES: Databases can always be trusted. Most universities and some high schools offer easy access to a variety of databases across the web. It is usually very easy to cite sources from databases because the cite is sometimes given directly on the database page. We are always encouraged to use databases over any other sources.
SCHOLARLY JOURNALS: Much like databases, scholarly journals can be highly trusted. They can be found on several sites, including Google, which has its own scholarly journal site.

When looking for reliable sources for a paper or project, it is always a good idea to use discretion when finding the sources you need. It is usually not a good idea to type in your topic on Google and use the first website that comes up. This can lead to using false information and misleading others.

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally. You have to be careful when using the internet for research. The information might be accurate but you have to check it out and make sure the site and the author are reputable. The internet can be a great source of information if used carefully.
